The Google Adwords publicity is not displayed — with this problem at least once everyone met, that work with Ads campaigns. When the ad is rejected, it is not shown to the user.
Why does something like this happen? In the first place, the ads may not correspond with the rules of Google Publicity. In order to understand what do you need to change, it is necessary to clarify what rules of Google Ads have been violated.
The display of publicity ads in Google ads depends on many factors. Besides violating the rights of Google publicity, as reasons why the ads are not shown, we can add:
A low daily budget.
Uncompetitive tariffs for showing or clicks.
Publicity ads didn't pass the verification or have been rejected.
Restrictions in the settings of publicity campaign — this is referred to the schedule of display (standard or accelerated), setting incorrectly the targeting, automatic display of ads is not the best index of quality of publicity campaign.
Few requests or their absence according to key words.
For trying to buy or sell non-authentic products, you surely will be punished by law. The attempts of propaganda, dicrimination and violation of rights as regards the race/nation, extortion and blackmail, also won't have a positive result. Your ads won't pass the verification for:
Products/services that are potentially dangerous — drugs of any origins, arms, ammunition, tobacco products and others.
Content related to conspiracy and fraud — pirated programs, virus programs, falsification of documents, etc.
What does Google Ads consider as forbidden activity:
collecting and using information that needs a careful approach, or using a confidential information;
distortion of events — for example, proposing to participate in a promotional offer, which in reality doesn't take place or to promise that some extract will help you to lose weight.
In accordance with the norms of law of some countries, the publicity of content for adults, alcohol or gaming machines is forbidden, that's why the display of such type of publicity is shown with restrictions. Try to make some publucuty about casino — this publicity won't be seen by anyone from Moldova, while in Russia, for example, this type of publicity is shown.
So, the display with restrictions is applied to:
“Mature” content — magazine as Playboy, striptease club, erotic massage salons, sex-toys and others.
Alcohol — here everything is clear. You have indicated a public that is younger than 18? The offer about selling a Hennessy of 3 years won't see the light. Plus, the publicity of alcohol needs to be allowed on legislative level.
Copyright — if your ad attracts the interests of the owner or violates in any way his/her copyright, this ad won't be displayed.
Gambling — the display of publicity with such content needs to be allowed only with the condition of correspondence with legislation (online casino, roulettes, slot machines, etc.).
Others — medical assistance and pharmaceutical products, political propaganda, financial and juridical domain, using the signs of products.
Publicity campaigns needs to be created correctly and on a pretty high professional level. If the user clicks on the ad, then he/she needs to reach on the pages with actual and relevant content.
Examples of unsuitability of redaction requests
common phrases and vague text — «Order our products», «Use our services», and others;
writing the words in a non-standard way — «F-r-e-e», «FREE», «FRE1E» and others.
Examples of violation on the basic page
the URL doesn't correspond with the reality (for example, in the ad you sell original gifts, proposing to transfer on the link, but instead of this the users arrive to;
sites and web pages that don't work;
sites that close the button “back” in browser.
To redact one information or another depends on what point from Google Ads requests is referred the violation. To identify this you can with the help of clues from the service:
If the rules that have been violated have nothing in common with target pages, you need to do the following:
In the left menu you need to find “Ad and extensions”, then the element that needs to be changed.
After introducing the corrections are transferred automatically to verification and receive the status “Verification”. Here are verified all the elements: titles, descriptions, key requests, target URL, and others.
If the changes have been introduced correctly, after verification the ad receives the status “Approved”, but there are repeated violations, then “Rejected”. In this case, the ad needs to be redacted one more time, until it will be approved. Google Ads always proposes recommendations in order to eliminate the inconsistencies and violations, that's why you with a big probability will make it from the first try.
Usually the verification of an ad of text type takes 24 hours. In the case of adaptable ads it will take a little more time.
If the status “Verification” doesn't change for 2-3 working days, then you need to write in the support of Google Publicity. The service Google Ads can change the terms of verification of ads for the stability of work.
Tracking their current status is very simple: you need to access the Google content advertising account, choose in the menu ads and extensions adwords and in the list that appeared the column “Status”.
The continuous work with in Google Ads offers the possibility to obtain positive results in the form of increasing the number of leads, the coefficient of conversion and income. More qualitative will be the ad, more effectively will work the publicity campaign. You need to make sure that all publicity ads to be accepted and to be displayed in accordance with introduced settings. More detailed information about work with rejected ads and rules of using Adwords you can receive in the support of Google Publicity.
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