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Creating a website for Stroy Master Domofon

Stroy Master Domofon

Tasks, established by client

Our team had to develop website for company, to be more precise, create landing page available in two languages Romanian, Russian, in colors matching the logo. In site's header, it was necessary to introduce the phone number for quick communication, in footer — a big map with company's address. It was necessary to create the site's structure according to trends, so that it would be clear even for inexperienced users.

Our solutions

Studio Webmaster specialists have developed the site with adaptable design in colors that correspond with logo, and are pleasant to be seen. Structured blocks were done in such a way that the user knows from the beginning where is he/she and what is the company's specialization. It was introduced the form of online request, Google Map, a block with real clients' reviews. Also, it was introduced the address and all contact information of company. Landing received a great loading speed and possibility to work good even under heavy loads.

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