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Creation of site for company Medexcom


Tasks on project

Our team had the task to develop a site on three languages (RU, RO, EN) for complete representation of company's services on Internet, create logo design, and unique adaptive design. Among mandatory modules — menu with drop down sections, slider on main page for important information, and functional “footer” (bottom part of site), informational blocks on main page.

Our solutions

All the client's requirements regarding the site were taken into account. The header contains: logo, contact information. Menu is created clear for users, there is a pleasant animation of drop down sections. In “footer” there are introduced buttons of sections that can be clicked, address, and other information about company. On “Contacts” page, there was added a form of feedback and Google map. On main page there is a big slider, the sections are done in accordance with technical task.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our case about the development of a medical organization's website.

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