S.R.L. "TERMOPLUS GRUP" is the official representative of Defro in Moldova. The company is the largest producer of solid fuel boilers in Poland. The advanced line of boilers is automatic coal-fired boilers, the most economical and convenient to maintain. "TERMOPLUS GRUP" offers a wide range of high-quality boilers, radiators, circulation pumps, expansion tanks, copper and brass pipes and fittings from a Polish manufacturer.
The task was to develop website with an attractive design. The website menu should be presented in 6 sections, 5 of which should contain drop-down lists. On the main page it was necessary to add a slide with high-quality bright images. It was also important to introduce a contact form and social networking buttons. In the “news” and “boilers” sections it was necessary to add side menus and a table with the exchange rate.
The site was designed with an attractive design in accordance with the requirements and wishes of the customer. The website menu with drop-down lists was introduced. Each category in the “News” and “Boilers” sections contains a side menu and a table with the exchange rate. In order to make the resource informative, the information was distributed in 6 blocks. We successfully introduced feedback forms and social networking buttons (facebook, twitter) as well. At the exit, the client received a quality product.