The "Vertebromed" medical center has all the necessary professional equipment, and experienced staff. It provides a full range of services in the field of vertebrology. Specialists provide professional advisory services, therapeutic massage and various types of medical extensions.
The main task was to develop a landing page with vertebral column structure description, problems with it and methods of treatment. In the top menu it was necessary to distinguish three basic services, to introduce contact data and "leave a response" button. Also it was necessary to select each service with the button "more"; to add a form to schedule an appointment for a procedure. And at the bottom we had to add information ‘about us’ and a slide with photos.
Studio Webmaster Specialists has developed a one-page website in accordance with the wishes and requirements of the customer. We successfully introduced a button and a form for recall, a form for scheduling an appointment on the procedure, a slide with photos. In the "services" block, when clicking on the "more details" button, a text with useful information about the procedure pops up. At the exit, the customer received an informative, selling and convenient landing page.
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