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Creation of a site of the company Lusmecon GMT

Lusmecon GMT


The specialists had the task to create an website for users. It was necessary to introduce a site header with a logo in the upper left corner, an internal search, a language panel and three other information sections. We had to implement a static sidebar, a table with the exchange rate and the weather forecast. The basic services should be categorized in the menu so that visitors could quickly find the information they need.


Studio Webmaster specialists have implemented a site header with a logo, internal search and "about the company", "press" and "invitation to cooperation" sections. Quality photos and structured menu allow visitors to find the necessary services, information and projects quick and easy. We added a lateral menu where you can get acquainted with the company's team, stocks and news, advantages and frequently asked questions. As the result the customer received a quality, informative and convenient resource.

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