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Creation of a site of the company Hyundai


Assigned task

Creating an informative website with an attractive design is the main task set for Studio Webmaster specialists. The main page should contain videos, information blocks for news and a slide with new products. It was also necessary to implement a side menu with Configurator, record form for test drive and service, price list and others. In the header of the site it was necessary to introduce social networking buttons and the internal search bar. The site menu should contain drop-down lists with categories of information.

Solutions that provide excellent results

The site menu contains horizontal drop-down lists with categories of information. Being on any other page, when you click on the logo, the user gets to the main page containing videos, news blocks and slide with HYUNDAI novelties. We added a side menu, an internal search bar in the header of the site for more convenient search of the necessary information and quick filling of the forms of recording on the test drive and in the service. Added social network buttons in the header and in the basement of the site.

Do you want to know how the development of auto parts websites is going? We will tell you about it in the cases!

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