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Domain, what is it and how to register in Studio Webmaster

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Yes, we provide services for domain registration in any domain zones. With us you can register a large list of domain names at competitive prices.

What is a domain and what are they like?

What is a domain and what are they like?

A domain name is a symbolic name for a website that is used to identify it through a search string. If there were no such names, Internet resources had to be searched by entering their full IP address.

Any domain has two parts. Take webmaster.md as an example. Webmaster is the name itself, which is unique and indicates the type of business of the company, and the ending “.md” is a domain name extension, indicating that it belongs to a country / region.

Domain registration: how to define a domain zone?

It all depends on the scale of the project. If you sell goods with worldwide delivery or provide legal services within your city / country, it is advisable to indicate the appropriate domain zone.

  • International. Suitable for international business and is designated as .com, .org, etc.
  • National. It is indicated when a user from any part of the country can become a visitor and client of the website - .md, .ru, .ua, .de and others.
  • Regional. If you have a small business and want to promote only in a certain region of the country, this will be reflected accordingly in the domain name, for example, .kiev.ua.

What should be considered when registering domains?

  • It is best to use the letters of the Latin alphabet.
  • You should not choose too long words, they can be hard to remember, and users will make mistakes when writing them in the search bar.
  • The simpler and more consonant a domain name is, the more likely it is to be remembered.
  • The name should reflect the essence of the business and arouse interest.
  • It makes sense to register the same names in all popular zones to prevent other companies from using your brand (if you plan to enter the international market).
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