VANILLIA provides food cooked on professional equipment according to the healthy eating principles. 4 activity formats allow the company to demonstrate its professionalism. VANILLIA Coffeebar – a local cafe customer service; VANILLIA Catering Business – the production and delivery of complex meals to enterprises; VANILLIA Culinary Catering - culinary products sale and delivery; VANILLIA Culinary Events - event catering.
The task was to develop a website with an adaptive design. On the main page it was necessary to present three areas of activity: Catering Business, Culinary Catering, Culinary Events. Each page should contain a catalog with photos, prices and buttons "add to cart". Website header should contain contact information, internal search, shopping cart, “delivery terms” button, registration, authorization and callback order.
The menu is represented by the “about us”, “partners”, “cafe” and contacts pages. The main page and website header are designed according to the requirements and wishes of the customer. For the of VANILLIA Catering Business, VANILLIA Culinary Catering and VANILLIA Culinary Events pages we added a catalog with photos, prices and “add to cart” buttons. Appropriate feedback forms, registration / authorization and social networking button (facebook) were introduced as well.
You can also get acquainted with our case for creating a food delivery site.