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Creation of site for transport and logistics company B.I.S express

B.I.S express

Main tasks on project

The specialists from our company had to develop a site with many pages with adaptive design and in three languages: English, Romanian, Russian. The technical task envisaged introducing such modules, as: Google Map, online calculator for calculating the price of package, a form of feedback, a form of calling the client, slider on main page, button of instant scrolling, and others. Drop-down menu blocks should be accompanied by smooth animation.

Solution for effectiveness

The website is created in accordance with client's requirements and technical task. There were realized all established tasks: on main page it was introduced a slider with important information, only in some clicks the visitor can calculate the cost of package delivery, call the courier, find out about the rules of delivery, tariffs and additional company's services. It was created the logo and unique design of site, it was introduced the header of site with contacts, buttons of social media. The resource is characterized by stable work and easiness of interaction with presented content on it.

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