BEZBSHOP specializes in selling leather goods: backpacks, bags, suitcases, wallets and various accessories. For 6 years of experienced work experts of the online store have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to provide their customers with quality service, topical and trendy novelties that meet all standards of leather quality.
The customer set the task to create a website and develop an adaptive design. We had to implement forms of entry and registration, structure the catalog for a more convenient search of necessary goods. The website header should contain a logo, contact details, login and registration buttons, a shopping cart. The catalog of goods should be divided into categories and subcategories. When opening the directory the user should see a drop-down menu with product categories, which in turn will have subcategories.
A website header with a logo, entry and registration buttons, a basket of goods and contact details were introduced. The catalog is divided into categories that have their own subcategories. There is an internal search on the website, social network buttons, a subscription form and a map. At the bottom of the site there are additional sections of information about the company, payment methods, delivery terms, "questions and answers" section. At the end, the customer received a quality web product.