The goal of creation of the application BarBOSS – to inform, make publicity and attract clients. The owner or the administrator of a place receives access to the reports according to 5 or more categories and he/she can see it in real time. Also, lists of possible reports are opened that can be filtered by such parameters, as: ,,Time'', ,,Depot''. The rapport of any group can be added to the list of favorites.
It was necessary to create an mobile application with a simple, minimalist design, which functions in a stable way on the mobile devices iPhone, iPad and Android. In addition, it was necessary to install a module ,,rotation'': when the mobile device is rotated, the aspect of the application rotates (vertically, horizontally). Languages – Romanian (starting), Russian. On the icons it was necessary the display of graphic elements and their names.
The specialists of our company have developed a commode android application for the users of restaurant segment, that has an appealing design, a comfortable interface. The structure of the application is created in accordance to all the client's requests, and the graphic part – meets all the established technical tasks. The capacity of the application allows its use even by big companies of catering.